
UK Sea Fishing Species List


A silver fish with a dull grey/blue colour on its back and a silver belly. Has raised gill plates and a protruding spinney dorsal fin.

The best time in the UK is from April to October, evening, dusk, dawn or night.

Natural Diet
Young bass are normally found feeding on small invertebrates in estuaries and close to the shore. Molluscs are generally the major part of the diet, although other seasonally available prey, such as peeler crabs can make up the bulk of the diet for a time. Large bass become much more piscivorous, feeding upon young mackerel and sand eels when close to shore.
Best Baits
Lugworm, Squid, Mackerel, Peeler, Lure fishing with wedges and other latex lures. Visit our shop for lures.

Best marks to fishFrom the shore over sand banks, estuaries and storm beaches at the points where food collects e.g. in weeds, around rocks. From the beach cast into the breakers. Rule of thumb, start at 50yards and work your way out.


The greater spotted Dogfish or Nursehound is more similar, but there is an easy way to tell the two species apart. Look closely at the underside of the fish's head. If there is a single flap of skin between the nostrils and the mouth then the fish is a Lesser Spotted Dogfish. If there are two lobed flaps then the fish is a greater spotted dogfish.

SeasonThe best time in the UK is from April to October, evening, dusk, dawn or night.

Natural Diet
Dogfish are mainly scavengers, relying upon their exceptional sense of smell to locate prey. Although they can take live fish, they very rarely chase down other moving fish.
Best Baits
Mackerel Fillets, Sandeel, Squid, Peeler

Best marks to fish
From the shore over sand banks, estuaries beaches at the points where food collects e.g. in weeds, around rocks, piers and jetty’s

Conger Eel

The greater spotted Dogfish or Nursehound is more similar, but there is an easy way to tell the two species apart. Look closely at the underside of the fish's head. If there is a single flap of skin between the nostrils and the mouth then the fish is a Lesser Spotted Dogfish. If there are two lobed flaps then the fish is a greater spotted dogfish.

SeasonThe best time in the UK is from March to September, Fish after light.

Natural Diet
Conger will eat Crabs, Worms, small Rockling although as the Eels get larger they have a mainly fish diet of species such as Mackerel, Pouting, Whiting and Pollack.

Best Baits
Whole Mackerel Fillets, Small Rockling, Squid, Visit our shop for conger traces

Best marks to fish Eels can be very common over rough ground in relatively shallow water and as these fish are incredibly adept at making the most of their environment, they can often be found hanging around docks and marinas where scraps of food get washed into the water.


A streamlined fish, the mackerel is designed for fast swimming in large shoals. The fins are short and tend to be positioned well back on the body giving the fish greater straight line speed. The tail is deeply forked, again giving good acceleration and manoeuvrability.

SeasonThe best time in the UK is from May to September

Natural Diet
Sandeel, Whitebait

Best Baits
Sandeel, Use Feather traces and most lures. Visit our shop for lures and feather traces

Best marks to fish Mackerel are found throughout the Northern Hemisphere, although not in the huge numbers that existed before commercial fishing intensified. Still, mackerel can be found in decent numbers right around the British coast in the warmer months around rock marks and piers.


The Pollack is a typical member of the cod family. The eyes are large and forward pointing, perfect eyesight for hunting active prey even at night. Colour varies from dark brown on the back to off white under the belly. Pollack also have three dorsal fins.

SeasonThe best time in the UK is from April to November

Natural Diet
Their diet is made up of crustaceans and molluscs, larger fish become more piscivorous, feeding upon herring and sand eels.

Best Baits
Deep spin Sandeel, Whitebait, Herring, Lugworm, Ragworm, Feathers
and most lures. Visit our shop for lures

Best marks to fish Rock marks are the most reliable with Pollack moving into very shallow water around weeded areas to feed. Spinning from the shore early on a Summers morning has to be amongst the most enjoyable forms of sea fishing and one that is particularly effective around the coasts of Devon and Cornwall.


The body is a dark brown to grey colour with a large number of pink or orange spots covering the body and extending into the margins of the fins.

SeasonThe best time in the UK is from April to November however Plaice spawn in shallow water between December and April.

Natural Diet
Their diet is made up of crustaceans, shrimp and polycheate worms.

Best Baits
Lugworm, Ragworm, Harbour Rag, Peeler, Prawn, Attractor spoons and Beads. Visit our shop for beads and attractors.

Best marks to fish The best plaice marks are now found on shallow wide sandy beaches and near estuaries, larger fish tend to be found in deeper water further off-shore.

Thornback Ray

The upper body is covered with sharp spikes along the spine and fanning out along the wings. The males have four rows of spines, whilst the females have even more spines, even on the underside of the body. The upper surface is a mottled brown appearance with grey patches. The lower surface is un-pigmented.

SeasonThe best time in the UK is from April to November.

Natural Diet
Small thornbacks feed primarily on crustaceans, such as brown shrimps and small crabs. As the fish grow they become more piscivorous, switching to a diet dominated by sand-eels and sprats.

Best Baits
Lugworm, Ragworm, Sandeel, Sprats, Peeler, Prawn

Best marks to fish Thornbacks are found in relatively shallow water close to the shore, preferring water of between 10m to 50m deep. Best sport in clean sandy water where the current is not pulling too strong. Beaches can be a very good hotspot in the summer.


Cod has a large single barbule extending from the centre of the lower jaw. Cod have three dorsal fins and two ventral fins for increased manoeuvrability. The dark mottled brown back, fading to a cream underbelly is also very conspicuous on cod

SeasonThe best time in the UK is from April to November.

Natural Diet
Small Cod eat Shrimps mainly but as they get larger will take Lugworm, Ragworm, Sandeel, Squid, Mussel, Peeler Crab, Razor fish

Lugworm, Ragworm, Sandeel, Sprats, Peeler, Prawn, Squid

Best marks to fish Cod are found throughout the Northern Hemisphere from the North Sea to the Arctic Ocean. Cod can be found in water down to 600m, although in the Spring they move into shallower water of less than 100m deep to spawn. Codling can be had in the winter months in large estuaries around our coastline.


Looks very similar to a catfish with their barbules. Colour ranges from brown to deep shades of red. They tend to be the colour of there surroundings. There are different types of Rockling ranging from 3 beards (barbules) 5 beards and also come in a variety of sizes. The largest tend to be caught in the South West of England.

SeasonThe best time in the UK is all year round. Night time is best.

Natural Diet
Rockling eat Shrimps and also feed on Lugworm, Ragworm, Mussel, and Peeler Crab around their rocky and weedy habitat.

Lugworm, Ragworm, Sandeel, Sprats, Peeler, Prawn, Squid and Mackerel in some cases.

Best marks to fish Rock marks where there are deep gully’s and weeded areas. Also they are found feeding off beaches in the colder months. Caught usually in the hour of darkness off the bottom.


Sandy-green on the back with silver sides and a distinctive black spot at the base of the pectorals. Normally less than 60cm in length and more slender than cod. The whiting lacks the single barbell of other members of the cod family.

SeasonThe best time in the UK is September to March. When the water is cold

Natural Diet
Feed on Lugworm, Ragworm, Mussel, and Peeler Crab, Prawns and small squid.

Lugworm, Ragworm, Sprats, Peeler, Prawn, Squid and Mackerel in some cases.

Best marks to fish Rock marks where there are deep gully’s and weeded areas. Also they are found feeding off beaches in the colder months. Caught usually in the hour of darkness off the bottom.
Does not appreciate warm water, so tends to be found in deeper, cooler water in the south of it's range. In cooler areas the whiting differs from other members of the cod family in preferring water less than 50m deep even as adults. Often found inshore and a very common shore catch in many parts of the British Isles during the Winter months.


Flounder are well camouflaged against a light coloured sandy bottom and can alter their tone substantially to match the tone of the sea bed. Pinkish spots are found randomly over the body.

SeasonThe best time in the UK is all year round

Natural Diet
Feed on Lugworm, Ragworm, Mussel, Hermits and Prawns.

Lugworm, Ragworm, Peeler, Prawn, Squid and Sandeel in some cases. Visit our shop for Flatfish Rigs

Best marks to fish Flounder can even be found many miles from the sea, high up in rivers where the water is completely fresh. Beaches and Estuaries would be your best bet.


Three species of mullet are common around the British coast; the grey mullet is the smallest species, reaching only around 30cm. The first dorsal fin has four rays, the lips are smooth and are roughly the same thickness as the diameter of the eye. The thin-lipped mullet is larger reaching 50cm, has lips thinner than the diameter of the eye and the lips are smooth. The thick-lipped mullet has much thicker lips and these are covered with 2 rows of small wart-like lumps.

SeasonThe best time in the UK is April until the end of the summer months.

Natural Diet
Plant life and plankton which lives on the bottom in shallower waters. They also like to feed on Insect larvae

Lugworm, Ragworm, Maggots, Bread, Bacon Rind and Casters

Best marks to fish Found around the South coast of England extending up to the Wash and South Wales. Often found in Estuaries, often several miles from the sea.


Sandy brown colouration closely matches the sea bed in which it half buries itself when resting. The upper surface is often covered in dark spots, but their number and pattern vary from location to location. The lateral line has a very distinct curve where is makes a detour around the pectoral fin.
SeasonThe best time in the UK is from November until the water warms up.

Natural Diet
Their diet is made up of crustaceans, shrimp and polycheate worms.

Best Baits
Lugworm, Ragworm, Harbour Rag, Peeler, Prawn

Best marks to fish Found throughout the waters of Europe, particularly in shallow inshore waters. Often caught by shore anglers during the winter months and early spring when the fish move inshore to spawn. Most common in the South and East of the British Isles.


These small fish are deep bodied with a long spined dorsal fin. The black bream is actually more silver on the flanks, with a dark back. The red bream has a red back with a large black spot above the pectoral fin.

SeasonThe best time in the UK is from June until the water cools. Hot months with plenty of dry weather.

Natural Diet
Their diet is made up of crustaceans, shrimp and polycheate worms.

Best Baits
Sandeel, Lugworm, Ragworm, Squid, Cuttlefish and Mackerel cut into strips.

Best marks to fish Sea bream tend to be summer visitors to the British Isles. These principally warm water fish can be found off the South and West coasts when the weather is warm. This is because the British Isles is right on the outermost fringe of the bream's range with them being much more abundant towards the Mediterranean. Piers and rock marks are all good starting points in the height of the summer.

Weaver Fish

They are long (up to 37 cm), mainly brown and have poisonous spines on their first dorsal fin and gills. During the day, weavers bury themselves in sand, just showing their eyes, and snatch prey as it comes past, which consists of shrimps and small fish. Weavers are unusual in not having a swim bladder as do most bony fishes and as a result sink as soon as they stop actively swimming.

SeasonThe best time in the UK is in the summer months

Natural Diet
Their diet is made up of crustaceans, shrimp and polycheate worms and other small prey.

Best Baits
You should not really attempt to catch these guys unless you are desperate to add it to your species list! These fish are venomous. However Mackerel is a good choice for bait if you wish to target them.

Best marks to fish They can be found on most British Isle Beaches at low tide.

For all your tackle needs why not visit our Online Store. Sea fishing tackle here.

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