
Bait Digging & Collecting


The more usual garden fork with it's narrow three or four prong construction is the one to choose for turning over mixed mud and stone when searching out individual king ragworm.

Bait Pump

These are stainless steel and pump a core of sand out up to 20ins (50cm) long. Used at an angle at first to establish the angle of the worms hole, they then pump out the sand surrounding the burrow until the worm is located. There is a knack to using these, but in the right hands they prove very effective.

Lug Spade

These are usually made from a standard ladies size garden spade that, instead of being square, taper to half width at their cutting edge.

Drop Nets

These are very handy as it requires very little effort. Use a baited drop net over the side of a pier or Harbour at night or daytime to catch Prawns to Peelers. Mackerel is a good bait to use in the center of the net. Leave the net out for 5mins then check. You can buy good value drop nets in our online shop Click here