
Sea Fishing Rigs

Pulley Rig

A good rig for rough ground work targeting sizeable fish like bass, codling, dogfish and huss. The main rig body line passes through the lower eye of a swivel with a beadeither side. A swivel is then tied to the free end which takes the hook length. When a fish takes the bait, the hook length is pulled through the swivel eye until the bead jams against the split ring connecting to the weight. While the fish pulls on the hook length, the lead stays above the fish and out of the way of passing snags. You can buy professional ready made rigs here

Bomber Rig

Similar to a standard two hook rig, but uses a long hook length at the top and a short hook length at the bass, but both hooks pull tight into a single Impact Shield to maximize casting range. Excellent for medium to long range and targets most species. You can buy professional ready made rigs here

Pennel Rig

A pennel rig is a system of tying two hooks close together at the end of a normal hook trace. This allows you to present one hook at the base of bait and another towards the middle or top of the bait. Having two hooks helps to hold a big bait like worms, crab, fish or a sandeel more securely enabling a long cast to be made without compromising presentation. You can buy professional ready made rigs here

One Hook Clip Down

Fished with a single long hook length. Incorporate a bait clip positioned close behind the weight to gain casting distance. This long range rig is great for cod, rays, bass, dogfish, flatfish, etc. You can buy professional ready made rigs here

Three hook Flapper
A paternoster is a term used to describe a rig that has the hook length or lengths working at right angles to the rig body. Usally has three hook lengths. Great for scratching and all flatfish speices. You can buy proffesional ready made rigs here